EC4M 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

EC4M 9 is a postcode sector in City of London, UK. Below is a complete list of EC4M 9 Postcodes (Active). EC4M 9 postcode sector comprises of 26 active postcodes. EC4M 9 sector has a population of 47, and it has 5 properties in the region.

Browse Information On EC4M 9 postcode sector

EC4M 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 47
Addresses / Property Count 5
Active Postcodes 26
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of EC4M 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-26 of 26 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
EC4M 9AD 51.51383400 -0.09682000 2 43 532160 181151
EC4M 9AF 51.51346500 -0.09611800 N/A N/A 532210 181111
EC4M 9AG 51.51388000 -0.09579500 N/A N/A 532231 181158
EC4M 9AH 51.51388800 -0.09562400 N/A N/A 532243 181159
EC4M 9AJ 51.51332900 -0.09495600 N/A N/A 532291 181098
EC4M 9AL 51.51279700 -0.09373900 N/A N/A 532377 181041
EC4M 9AY 51.51283600 -0.09354700 N/A N/A 532390 181046
EC4M 9BB 51.51309600 -0.09455900 N/A N/A 532319 181073
EC4M 9BE 51.51379800 -0.09447500 N/A N/A 532323 181151
EC4M 9BJ 51.51315300 -0.09409900 1 1 532351 181080
EC4M 9BP 51.51316900 -0.09507800 N/A N/A 532283 181080
EC4M 9BR 51.51296700 -0.09370300 2 3 532379 181060
EC4M 9BT 51.51258300 -0.09623800 N/A N/A 532204 181013
EC4M 9BW 51.51269700 -0.09327900 N/A N/A 532409 181031
EC4M 9BX 51.51337100 -0.09532900 N/A N/A 532265 181102
EC4M 9DD 51.51299400 -0.09329500 N/A N/A 532407 181064
EC4M 9DJ 51.51359100 -0.09334500 N/A N/A 532402 181130
EC4M 9DL 51.51335900 -0.09345600 N/A N/A 532395 181104
EC4M 9DN 51.51335100 -0.09302400 N/A N/A 532425 181104
EC4M 9DQ 51.51354400 -0.09392100 N/A N/A 532362 181124
EC4M 9DT 51.51315700 -0.09336000 N/A N/A 532402 181082
EC4M 9EB 51.51314400 -0.09367800 N/A N/A 532380 181080
EC4M 9EE 51.51340500 -0.09356900 N/A N/A 532387 181109
EC4M 9EH 51.51333800 -0.09386000 N/A N/A 532367 181101
EC4M 9ET 51.51358900 -0.09337100 N/A N/A 532400 181130
EC4M 9HH 51.51379600 -0.09450100 N/A N/A 532321 181151
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